Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Second Hubpages Account

I started at Hubpages just briefly before it absorbed the Squidoo enterprise. By default I found myself with two accounts.

This was by no means an unusual thing at either Squidoo or Hubpages, since writers for various reasons would have multiple ID's on these sites. I, however, found it cumbersome.

My List Of Cons For Having Multiple Accounts

I have personal list of "Cons" to argue against the idea:

  1. It takes a certain amount of pages, written and featured, to earn enough money for a payout. This was true even before the ad amounts took a permanent dive for everyone.
  2. Community participation is counted in profile ranking and it is frowned upon to use more than one for forum participation. This is more of an inconvenience than anything else.
  3. I didn't divide topics clearly between profiles. This was result of not foreseeing the merger of Hubpages and Squidoo. Later, pages could not be transferred between the two without consequences.
  4. It is just plain inefficient and became more so as Hubpages implemented changes in a fast and furious way.

Why It May Have Once Been A Good Idea

When writers wanted a particular niche domination, I suppose the separated accounts might have made sense, but in today's HP, the matter is moot. All pages are subsumed into the profile of the main site and now divied up into the new niche sites they are developing. A writers identity makes no difference in Google under this system. (As far as I can tell...)

Going Forward

In promoting and linking to pages I have tended to ignore the first, somewhat abandoned, Hubpages account; and now I think I should list those pages on my page list, here.

Since so many of the articles had to be moved to my personal sites, I will probably do this eventually with all those on the duplicate profile. They are languishing in this small profile that never really got off the ground (although I think their writing is better, and they adhere more closely to what HP advocates).

The primary account I have is "Ilonagarden", the first, though secondary in participation, is "Ilona1".

I will list the second accounts pages on my Page in this site, today.

Yay Or Nay

I think in today's HP environment it is bad advice to open more than one account. It is debatable whether the one will be useful going forward. It is a losing proposition to try to get into the niche accounts at this time, although it is early days on these huge changes to how the site functions.

Time is better spent developing your own site at this time.

I hope this review and advice is helpful to you if you are considering working on Hubpages, joining, or trying to decide what to do with your own multiple accounts.

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